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Youth Entrepreneurship Program Train-the-Trainers Registration

Youth Entrepreneurship Program "Train-the-Trainer" Professional Development Workshop

The Southwestern College Center for International Trade Development Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) is hosting a "Train-the-Trainers" Professional Development Workshop on August 9th, 2012. Dr. Carol Folbre, nationally certified expert in Youth Entrepreneurship, and Sandra Mittelsteadt, co-author of The Career Academy Toolkit and Sticky Learning, will provide local educators with strategies and tools to teach the entrepreneueship skills that are essential in developing students with key skills for academic and workplace success. This interactive workshop is offered at no cost to participants. Goals for participants include:

  • Learn strategies for linking classroom learning and academic content with real-world applications.
  • Explore techniques to build students’ skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.
  • Experience inquiry- and interdisciplinary-based approaches to teaching and learning
  • Gain experience with the academically rigorous, project-based learning materials.
  • Work with team simulation of entrepreneurial projects.
  • Highlight student testimonials of entrepreneurship.
  • Become familiar with the skills employers seek in future employees.

Registration has closed for this workshop.